1.
生活虽有苦痛,但其中也夹杂着美好与惊喜。
【life
is
full
of
pain,
but
also
filled
with
beauty
and
surprises.
】
2.
感恩生命中每一个陌生人,因为他们为我们画下一幅绚丽的画卷。
【Grateful
for
every
stranger
in
your
life,
because
they
paint
a
beautiful
picture
for
you.
】
3.
每一天都是一个全新的开始,火热地拥抱它吧。
【Every
day
is
a
new
beginning,
embrace
it
passionately.
】
4.
在你的人生中,别忘了留下笑声与欢乐的足迹。
【In
your
lifetime,
don't
forget
to
leave
behind
the
footprints
of
laughter
and
joy.
】
5.
用你的心灵去感受生活,你会惊喜地发现其魅力无穷。
【Feel
life
with
your
heart,
and
you
will
be
surprised
by
its
infinite
charm.
】
6.
每一天都是一个奇迹,别让浮躁的心态掩盖了它们的光芒。
【Every
day
is
a
miracle,
don't
let
a
busy
mindset
diminish
their
radiance.
】
7.
幸福就像气息一样,细微又真实。
【Happiness
is
like
a
breath,
delicate
yet
authentic.
】
8.
生活中总会有些不如意的事,但也别忘了它背后的珍贵教训。
【There
will
always
be
some
unpleasant
things
in
life,
but
don't
forget
the
valuable
lessons
they
bring.
】
9.
生活是一首动听的乐曲,静下心来你会听到它优美的旋律。
【Life
is
a
beautiful
melody,
listen
carefully
and
you
will
hear
its
soothing
tune.
】
10.
不要害怕接受改变,因为它们是生活中无法避免的一部分。
【Don't
be
afraid
of
changes,
because
they
are
an
inevitable
part
of
life.
】
11.
告诉自己今天会是美好的一天,因为你自己可以创造它的美好。
【Tell
yourself
that
today
will
be
a
beautiful
day,
because
you
have
the
power
to
create
its
beauty.
】
12.
生活的路程很长,放慢节奏,你会发现许多美好的风景。
【Life
is
a
long
journey,
slow
down
and
you
will
find
many
beautiful
sceneries.
】
13.
学会珍惜生命中难能可贵的人与事物,因为它们只会来一次。
【Learn
to
cherish
the
precious
people
and
things
in
your
life,
because
they
only
come
once.
】
14.
当你跋山涉水走出迷雾时,你会发现生活有多样的美妙之处。
【When
you
cross
mountains
and
rivers
and
get
out
of
the
fog,
you
will
discover
the
diversity
of
life’s
beauty.
】
15.
生命的真谛并不在于你活了多长时间,而在于你经历了多少事情。
【The
essence
of
life
is
not
how
long
you
have
lived,
but
how
much
you
have
experienced.
】
16.
在最黑暗的时候,也要继续前行,因为阳光总会再次到来。
【Keep
moving
forward
even
in
the
darkest
times,
because
the
sunshine
will
come
again.
】
17.
生命中的每一个选择,都会影响到你未来的道路。
所以珍惜你的选择。
【Every
choice
you
make
in
life,
will
affect
the
path
you
take
in
the
future.
So
cherish
your
choices.
】
18.
即使生活不尽如人意,也要保有一颗乐观向上的心。
【Even
if
life
is
not
going
as
expected,
keep
a
positive
and
optimistic
attitude.
】
19.
没有什么比用你的心灵去拥抱生活更重要的事情了。
【There
is
nothing
more
important
than
embracing
life
with
your
heart.
】
20.
生活是一份惊奇的礼物,我们应该倍加珍惜并好好享受它。
【Life
is
a
surprising
gift,
and
we
should
cherish
and
enjoy
it
with
all
our
hearts.
】