1.
"Behind
every
great
woman,
there's
a
great
man.
.
.
wearing
a
wig
and
heels.
"
【笑话】
2.
"He
may
look
like
a
lady,
but
he's
all
man
when
it
comes
to
love.
"
【浪漫】
3.
"At
first,
thought
he
was
just
playing
a
role,
but
now
realize
that
he's
my
soulmate,
no
matter
how
he
dresses.
"
【感性】
4.
"Some
people
say
that
love
is
blind,
but
in
our
case,
it's
more
like
love
is
a
costume
party.
"
【玩笑】
5.
"Our
love
story
started
when
mistook
him
for
a
drag
queen
at
a
bar
-
it
was
fate.
"
【趣闻】
6.
"He
taught
me
that
gender
is
just
a
social
construct,
and
that
beauty
is
more
than
skin
deep.
"
【启发】
7.
"He
may
not
be
the
typical
alpha
male,
but
he's
got
a
heart
of
gold
and
a
killer
sense
of
fashion.
"
【赞美】
8.
"When
we
dress
up
together,
it's
like
we're
two
halves
of
a
whole
-
the
yin
to
my
yang,
or
the
high
heels
to
my
flats.
"
【浪漫】
9.
"I
used
to
think
that
needed
a
macho
man
to
protect
me,
but
now
know
that
the
best
kind
of
partner
is
someone
who
can
love
and
support
you,
no
matter
how
they
look.
"
【建议】
10.
"The
first
time
saw
him
in
full
drag,
was
transfixed
-
he
was
like
a
living
work
of
art.
"
【赞美】
11.
"Sometimes
when
we're
out
in
public,
people
stare
or
make
rude
comments,
but
we
just
hold
hands
and
ignore
them
-
we're
stronger
together.
"
【鼓励】
12.
"He's
not
just
my
partner,
he's
my
muse
-
he
inspires
me
to
be
more
creative,
more
fierce,
more
myself.
"
【感性】
13.
"I
used
to
be
self-conscious
about
my
own
body
and
appearance,
but
being
with
him
helps
me
see
that
there's
no
one
'right'
way
to
look
or
act.
"
【启发】
14.
"He's
my
knight
in
shining
armor,
even
if
his
armor
is
a
sequin
gown.
"
【浪漫】
15.
"I
never
knew
what
true
love
meant
until
he
showed
me
that
love
is
acceptance,
support,
and
laughter,
no
matter
what.
"
【感性】
16.
"Some
people
say
that
cross-dressing
is
a
fetish
or
a
kink,
but
for
us,
it's
just
another
way
of
expressing
ourselves
and
connecting
with
each
other.
"
【普及】
17.
"He's
not
afraid
to
be
vulnerable
or
emotional,
even
if
society
tells
him
that
those
traits
aren't
'manly'
-
that's
what
makes
him
a
real
man
in
my
eyes.
"
【赞美】
18.
"We
may
look
unconventional
on
the
outside,
but
on
the
inside,
we're
just
two
people
who
laugh,
cry,
and
love
like
anyone
else.
"
【平衡】
19.
"I
used
to
think
that
true
love
was
just
a
fairy
tale,
but
then
he
came
into
my
life
and
turned
my
world
upside
down
-
for
the
better.
"
【感性】
20.
"He's
more
than
just
a
crossdresser
or
a
transvestite
-
he's
my
partner,
my
lover,
and
my
best
friend,
all
rolled
into
one.
"
【浪漫】