1.
Sometimes,
the
most
painful
tears
are
the
ones
that
never
fall.
【伤感】
2.
Memories
may
fade
away,
but
the
pain
always
remains.
【故事】
3.
It's
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember.
【语录】
4.
Sometimes,
it's
better
to
be
alone
because
no
one
can
hurt
you.
【伤感】
5.
Love
is
like
a
rose,
beautiful
but
painful
with
thorns.
【故事】
6.
The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
not
being
loved
back.
【语录】
7.
Tears
are
words
that
the
heart
can't
express.
【伤感】
8.
Losing
someone
you
love
is
like
losing
a
part
of
yourself
that
you
can
never
get
back.
【故事】
9.
It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
have
never
loved
at
all.
【语录】
10.
Sometimes,
the
smallest
things
can
hurt
the
most.
【伤感】
11.
Life
is
like
a
book,
some
chapters
are
sad,
some
are
happy,
and
some
are
exciting.
【故事】
12.
Forgiveness
is
the
best
form
of
love.
It
takes
a
strong
person
to
say
sorry
and
an
even
stronger
person
to
forgive.
【语录】
13.
The
only
thing
that
can
heal
a
broken
heart
is
time.
【伤感】
14.
Some
people
come
into
your
life
and
leave
footprints
on
your
heart,
and
you
are
never
the
same.
【故事】
15.
Love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
about
appreciation.
【语录】
16.
Sometimes,
you
have
to
let
things
go
so
that
better
things
can
come
into
your
life.
【伤感】
17.
True
love
is
when
you
care
more
about
the
other
person's
happiness
than
your
own.
【故事】
18.
Love
is
never
wrong,
it's
the
people
who
love
that
make
mistakes.
【语录】
19.
Tears
are
a
sign
that
something
is
wrong,
but
laughter
can
be
a
sign
that
everything
is
perfect.
【伤感】
20.
Life
is
a
journey,
and
the
people
you
meet
along
the
way
make
it
better.
【故事】