.jpg)
1.
When
it
rains,
it
pours.
But
with
the
right
umbrella,
you
can
weather
any
storm.
【雨天必备】
2.
Life
is
like
rain,
sometimes
it's
hard,
sometimes
it's
soft,
but
in
the
end,
it
helps
things
grow.
【雨水哲学】
3.
Raindrops
keep
falling
on
my
head,
but
that's
okay
because
I'm
dancing
in
the
rain.
【雨中起舞】
4.
There's
something
soothing
about
the
sound
of
rain
tapping
against
the
roof.
It's
like
music
for
the
soul.
【雨声入耳】
5.
Rain
or
shine,
I'll
always
be
there
for
you.
Together,
we
can
conquer
any
weather.
【守望相助】
6.
Just
like
how
every
raindrop
adds
up
to
create
a
storm,
every
small
action
we
take
can
make
a
big
impact.
【积少成多】
7.
love
the
rain
because
it
reminds
me
that
even
the
sky
needs
to
cry
sometimes.
【天上也会哭泣】
8.
The
rain
makes
everything
look
so
fresh
and
new,
like
it's
washing
away
all
the
dirt
and
grime
of
the
world.
【雨水净化】
9.
It's
never
too
late
to
dance
in
the
rain
and
get
a
little
bit
wet.
Life
is
short,
so
enjoy
every
moment.
【披雨戴帽】
10.
The
rain
makes
me
feel
alive,
like
I'm
part
of
something
bigger
than
myself.
【雨中自由】
11.
Raindrops
are
like
tears
from
the
sky,
releasing
emotions
we
didn't
even
know
we
had.
【雨中思绪】
12.
Rainy
days
are
just
an
excuse
to
stay
inside,
snuggle
up
with
a
good
book
and
a
hot
cup
of
tea.
【读万卷书,行万里路】
13.
The
rain
reminds
us
that
even
the
strongest
things
in
life
need
a
little
bit
of
nourishment
to
grow.
【雨润万物】
14.
It's
not
about
waiting
for
the
storm
to
pass,
it's
about
learning
how
to
dance
in
the
rain.
【破雨成舞】
15.
Rainy
days
are
perfect
for
introspection,
to
reflect
on
our
lives
and
find
inner
peace.
【雨中静思】
16.
The
rain
always
stops
eventually,
but
the
memories
of
dancing
in
it
will
last
a
lifetime.
【岁月留痕】
17.
love
the
smell
of
rain,
it's
like
perfume
for
the
earth.
【雨水气息】
18.
Rainy
days
can
be
beautiful
too,
with
the
way
the
raindrops
are
like
diamonds
glistening
in
the
light.
【雨露华彩】
19.
believe
that
rain
represents
new
beginnings,
like
a
fresh
start
for
the
world.
【雨中新生】
20.
Let
the
rain
wash
away
the
old,
and
bring
in
the
new.
It's
time
for
change
and
growth.
【雨洗净旧,润发新生】