1.
"Without
a
plan,
life
is
simply
a
gamble.
"
【计划,让生命不再是赌博。
】
2.
"When
you
fail
to
plan,
you
plan
to
fail.
"
【没有计划,你就是在计划失败。
】
3.
"A
life
without
purpose
is
a
life
without
direction.
"
【没有目标的生活就像没有方向的生活。
】
4.
"Setting
goals
is
the
first
step
towards
living
the
life
you
want.
"
【设定目标是走向理想生活的第一步。
】
5.
"Your
hopes
and
dreams
will
never
become
a
reality
without
a
plan
to
make
them
happen.
"
【如果没有计划,你的希望和梦想永远不会成为现实。
】
6.
"The
best
way
to
predict
your
future
is
to
create
it.
"
【预言未来的最好方式就是自己创造未来。
】
7.
"If
you
don't
have
a
plan
for
yourself,
someone
else
will
have
a
plan
for
you.
"
【如果你没有自己的计划,别人会给你制定计划。
】
8.
"A
successful
life
is
built
on
a
foundation
of
well-planned
and
executed
goals.
"
【一个成功的生活是建立在计划和执行得力的目标之上的。
】
9.
"Your
goals
should
inspire
you
to
become
the
best
version
of
yourself.
"
【你的目标应该激励你成为最好的自己。
】
10.
"Life
is
too
short
to
just
go
with
the
flow;
plan
your
own
adventure.
"
【生命太短暂了,不能只随波逐流;要为自己规划冒险之旅。
】
11.
"The
difference
between
a
dream
and
a
goal
is
a
plan
and
a
deadline.
"
【梦想与目标之间的区别在于计划和期限。
】
12.
"When
you
have
a
clear
plan,
you
have
the
power
to
shape
your
destiny.
"
【当你有明确的计划时,你有权塑造自己的命运。
】
13.
"Your
life
is
a
reflection
of
the
choices
you
make;
make
the
choice
to
plan
for
success.
"
【生活是你所做选择的反映;做出制定成功计划的选择。
】
14.
"Success
doesn't
happen
overnight;
it's
the
result
of
a
well-executed
plan.
"
【成功并非一夜之间就会发生;它是执行良好的计划的结果。
】
15.
"A
plan
gives
you
direction,
purpose,
and
motivation
to
achieve
your
goals.
"
【计划给你方向、目的和动力,以实现你的目标。
】
16.
"To
live
a
fulfilling
life,
you
need
to
have
a
plan
that
aligns
with
your
values
and
passions.
"
【要过有意义的生活,你需要有与自己价值观和热情相符合的计划。
】
17.
"Without
a
plan,
you
risk
losing
focus
and
becoming
distracted
by
the
demands
of
everyday
life.
"
【没有计划,你就有可能失去焦点,被日常生活的需求分心。
】
18.
"A
goal
without
a
plan
is
just
a
wish.
"
【没有计划的目标只是个愿望。
】
19.
"Invest
time
in
planning
and
watch
how
it
pays
off
in
the
long
run.
"
【投入时间进行规划,看看它会如何在长期内得到回报。
】
20.
"You
have
one
life,
make
it
count
by
having
a
plan
and
working
towards
your
goals.
"
【你只有一次生命,通过制定计划并努力实现目标来让它更有价值。
】