1.
“Amor
vincit
omnia.
”
(Love
conquers
all.
)】
2.
“Dulce
et
decorum
est
pro
patria
mori.
”
(It
is
sweet
and
honorable
to
die
for
one’s
country,
but
it
is
sweeter
and
more
honorable
to
live
for
one’s
beloved.
)】
3.
“Si
vis
amari,
ama.
”
(If
you
want
to
be
loved,
love.
)】
4.
“Amor
animi
arbitrio
sumitur,
non
ponitur.
”
(We
choose
to
love,
we
do
not
choose
to
cease
loving.
)】
5.
“Amor
gignit
amorem.
”
(Love
begets
love.
)】
6.
“Non
omnis
moriar.
”
(I
shall
not
wholly
die,
for
love
in
me
has
been
unfurled.
)】
7.
“Saepe
creat
molles
aspera
spina
rosas.
”
(Often
the
prickly
thorn
produces
tender
roses.
)】
8.
“Dum
vivimus,
vivamus.
”
(While
we
live,
let
us
live.
)】
9.
“Quod
me
nutrit
me
destruit.
”
(What
nourishes
me
also
destroys
me.
)】
10.
“Amantes
sunt
amentes.
”
(Lovers
are
lunatics.
)】
11.
“Nunc
est
bibendum.
”
(Now
is
the
time
to
drink.
)】
12.
“Odi
et
amo.
”
(I
hate
and
love.
)】
13.
“Dum
spiro
spero.
”
(While
breathe,
hope.
)】
14.
“Nihil
lacrima
citius
arescit.
”
(Nothing
dries
more
quickly
than
a
tear.
)】
15.
“Nec
Hercules
contra
plures.
”
(Even
Hercules
cannot
fight
against
many.
)】
16.
“Omnia
vincit
amor
et
nos
cedamus
amori.
”
(Love
conquers
all;
let
us
yield
to
love.
)】
17.
“Ceterum
censeo
Carthaginem
esse
delendam.
”
(Furthermore,
consider
that
Carthage
must
be
destroyed.
)】
18.
“Veni,
vidi,
vici.
”
(I
came,
saw,
conquered.
)】
19.
“Exegi
monumentum
aere
perennius.
”
(I
have
erected
a
monument
more
lasting
than
bronze.
)】
20.
“Alea
iacta
est.
”
(The
die
is
cast.
)】