1.
"Beauty
is
truth,
truth
beauty"
-
John
Keats
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
2.
"The
very
first
moment
beheld
him,
my
heart
was
irrevocably
gone.
"
-
Jane
Austen
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
3.
"The
afternoon
was
filled
with
a
great
golden
haze"
-
F.
Scott
Fitzgerald
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
4.
"I
have
love
in
me
the
likes
of
which
you
can
scarcely
imagine
and
rage
the
likes
of
which
you
would
not
believe.
"
-
Mary
Shelley
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
5.
"We
loved
with
a
love
that
was
more
than
love.
"
-
Edgar
Allan
Poe
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
6.
"The
golden
moments
in
the
stream
of
life
rush
past
us
and
we
see
nothing
but
sand;
the
angels
come
to
visit
us,
and
we
only
know
them
when
they
are
gone.
"
-
George
Eliot
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
7.
"She
walks
in
beauty,
like
the
night
/
Of
cloudless
climes
and
starry
skies"
-
Lord
Byron
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
8.
"He
was
as
uncommunicative
as
a
man
who
has
talked
much
too
much"
-
Ernest
Hemingway
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
9.
"The
sun
himself
is
weak
when
he
first
rises,
and
gathers
strength
and
courage
as
the
day
gets
on.
"
-
Charles
Dickens
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
10.
"You
pierce
my
soul.
am
half
agony,
half
hope.
"
-
Jane
Austen
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
11.
"It
is
a
truth
universally
acknowledged,
that
a
single
man
in
possession
of
a
good
fortune,
must
be
in
want
of
a
wife.
"
-
Jane
Austen
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
12.
"I
am
longing
to
be
with
you,
and
by
the
sea,
where
we
can
talk
together
freely
and
build
our
castles
in
the
air.
"
-
Bram
Stoker
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
13.
"I
took
a
deep
breath
and
listened
to
the
old
brag
of
my
heart.
am,
am,
am.
"
-
Sylvia
Plath
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
14.
"The
very
winds
whispered
in
soothing
accents
and
maternal
caresses,
as
if
to
lull
the
little
one
to
sleep.
"
-
Alexandre
Dumas
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
15.
"It
is
only
with
the
heart
that
one
can
see
rightly;
what
is
essential
is
invisible
to
the
eye.
"
-
Antoine
de
Saint-Exupéry
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
16.
"He
was
standing
in
the
drizzle
of
the
cold
foggy
London
evening,
and
his
heart
was
like
lead
within
him.
"
-
Jules
Verne
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
17.
"But
soft,
what
light
through
yonder
window
breaks?
It
is
the
east,
and
Juliet
is
the
sun.
"
-
William
Shakespeare
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
18.
"Do
not
go
gentle
into
that
good
night,
old
age
should
burn
and
rave
at
close
of
day;
rage,
rage
against
the
dying
of
the
light.
"
-
Dylan
Thomas
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
19.
"All
that
we
see
or
seem
is
but
a
dream
within
a
dream.
"
-
Edgar
Allan
Poe
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】
20.
"She
was
a
girl
who
knew
how
to
be
happy
even
when
she
was
sad.
And
that's
important.
"
-
Marilyn
Monroe
【名著唯美句子摘抄大全】