1.
"Sometimes
feel
like
I'm
suffocating
under
the
weight
of
my
own
existence.
"
【生活压抑】
2.
"When
everything
feels
like
it's
just
too
much,
remind
myself
to
take
it
one
moment
at
a
time.
"
【心情】
3.
"The
darkness
of
depression
can
be
all-consuming,
but
the
light
of
hope
is
just
waiting
to
be
found.
"
【经典句子】
4.
"I
often
find
solace
in
the
simple
things
-
a
cup
of
tea,
a
good
book,
and
some
time
alone
to
recharge.
"
【生活压抑】
5.
"The
brain
can
be
a
funny
thing
-
sometimes
it
feels
like
it's
working
overtime
to
convince
you
that
everything
is
hopeless.
"
【心情】
6.
"There's
a
certain
magic
in
the
quiet
moments
of
solitude,
where
the
chaos
of
the
world
can't
touch
you.
"
【经典句子】
7.
"It's
okay
to
not
be
okay,
and
it's
okay
to
ask
for
help.
"
【生活压抑】
8.
"There's
strength
in
vulnerability
-
admitting
that
you're
struggling
is
the
first
step
toward
finding
your
way
back
to
the
light.
"
【心情】
9.
"No
matter
how
dark
it
gets,
remember
that
the
sun
will
rise
again
tomorrow.
"
【经典句子】
10.
"Sometimes
it
feels
like
we're
all
just
treading
water,
trying
to
keep
our
heads
above
the
waves.
"
【生活压抑】
11.
"But
even
in
the
midst
of
our
struggles,
we
can
find
moments
of
joy
and
beauty
that
remind
us
why
life
is
worth
living.
"
【心情】
12.
"Life
is
full
of
ups
and
downs
-
it's
how
we
weather
the
storms
that
define
us.
"
【经典句子】
13.
"When
I'm
feeling
overwhelmed,
try
to
focus
on
the
things
can
control
instead
of
the
things
can't.
"
【生活压抑】
14.
"Sometimes
the
only
way
through
the
darkness
is
to
keep
moving,
one
step
at
a
time.
"
【心情】
15.
"Remember
that
you
are
not
alone
-
there
are
countless
others
who
are
struggling
just
like
you.
"
【经典句子】
16.
"It's
okay
to
take
a
break
and
give
yourself
permission
to
rest
and
recharge.
"
【生活压抑】
17.
"We
all
have
bad
days
-
but
the
beauty
of
life
is
that
good
days
are
just
around
the
corner.
"
【心情】
18.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
sometimes
the
path
takes
us
through
some
dark
and
difficult
places.
"
【经典句子】
19.
"But
even
in
the
midst
of
the
storm,
we
can
find
moments
of
beauty
and
joy
that
make
it
all
worth
it.
"
【生活压抑】
20.
"Always
remember
that
tomorrow
is
a
new
day,
full
of
endless
possibilities
and
opportunities
for
growth.
"
【心情】