1.
"Life
is
like
a
box
of
chocolates,
you
never
know
what
you're
gonna
get.
"
-
Forrest
Gump
【电影】
2.
"To
infinity.
.
.
and
beyond!"
-
Buzz
Lightyear,
Toy
Story
【动画片】
3.
"You
can't
handle
the
truth!"
-
Few
Good
Men
【电影】
4.
"Winter
is
coming.
"
-
Game
of
Thrones
【电视剧】
5.
"I'll
be
back.
"
-
The
Terminator
【电影】
6.
"May
the
Force
be
with
you.
"
-
Star
Wars
【电影】
7.
"Hasta
la
vista,
baby.
"
-
The
Terminator
2:
Judgment
Day
【电影】
8.
"Life
moves
pretty
fast.
If
you
don't
stop
and
look
around
once
in
a
while,
you
could
miss
it.
"
-
Ferris
Bueller's
Day
Off
【电影】
9.
"Here's
looking
at
you,
kid.
"
-
Casablanca
【电影】
10.
"Just
keep
swimming.
"
-
Finding
Nemo
【动画片】
11.
"You
talkin'
to
me?"
-
Taxi
Driver
【电影】
12.
"I
am
the
danger.
"
-
Breaking
Bad
【电视剧】
13.
"As
God
is
my
witness,
I'll
never
be
hungry
again.
"
-
Gone
with
the
Wind
【电影】
14.
"I
feel
the
need.
.
.
the
need
for
speed!"
-
Top
Gun
【电影】
15.
"I'm
the
king
of
the
world!"
-
Titanic
【电影】
16.
"Nobody
puts
Baby
in
a
corner.
"
-
Dirty
Dancing
【电影】
17.
"I
see
dead
people.
"
-
The
Sixth
Sense
【电影】
18.
"Here's
Johnny!"
-
The
Shining
【电影】
19.
"Keep
your
friends
close,
but
your
enemies
closer.
"
-
The
Godfather:
Part
【电影】
20.
"Houston,
we
have
a
problem.
"
-
Apollo
【电影】