![拉健身文案伤感英文语录(拉黑删除伤感文案)](/pic/拉健身文案伤感英文语录(拉黑删除伤感文案).jpg)
1.
"Breaking
down
barriers,
one
rep
at
a
time.
"
【#fitfam
#motivation】
2.
"Fitness
is
not
about
being
better
than
someone
else.
It's
about
being
better
than
you
used
to
be.
"
【#selfimprovement
#nopainnogain】
3.
"The
iron
never
lies.
"
【#dedication
#strengthtraining】
4.
"Push
yourself
because
no
one
else
is
going
to
do
it
for
you.
"
【#selfdiscipline
#grindmode】
5.
"Fitness
is
not
a
destination,
it's
a
way
of
life.
"
【#lifestyle
#fitnessjourney】
6.
"The
pain
you
feel
today
will
be
the
strength
you
feel
tomorrow.
"
【#resilience
#hardworkpaysoff】
7.
"Don't
limit
your
challenges,
challenge
your
limits.
"
【#personaldevelopment
#growthmindset】
8.
"Success
isn't
given,
it's
earned.
On
the
track,
on
the
field,
in
the
gym.
With
blood,
sweat,
and
the
occasional
tear.
"
【#workhard
#nevergiveup】
9.
"Your
body
can
do
anything,
it's
your
mind
you
have
to
convince.
"
【#mindset
#positivity】
10.
"Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
Know
that
there
is
something
inside
you
that
is
greater
than
any
obstacle.
"
【#selfbelief
#empowerment】
11.
"Sweat
is
just
fat
crying.
"
【#fitnesshumor
#sweattherapy】
12.
"Pain
is
temporary,
pride
is
forever.
"
【#determination
#achievement】
13.
"Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
It
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
"
【#perseverance
#mentalstrength】
14.
"Be
stronger
than
your
excuses.
"
【#accountability
#noexcuses】
15.
"The
only
bad
workout
is
the
one
that
didn't
happen.
"
【#consistency
#discipline】
16.
"We
are
what
we
repeatedly
do.
Excellence,
then,
is
not
an
act,
but
a
habit.
"
【#habits
#dailyroutine】
17.
"The
hardest
step
is
always
the
first
one.
"
【#startingline
#mindovermatter】
18.
"Fall
seven
times,
stand
up
eight.
"
【#resilience
#nevergiveup】
19.
"No
matter
how
slow
you
go,
you
are
still
lapping
everyone
on
the
couch.
"
【#motivation
#pushyourself】
20.
"You
don't
have
to
be
great
to
start,
but
you
have
to
start
to
be
great.
"
【#beginnermindset
#justdoit】